Sunday, March 10, 2019

Up and Down

After importing the updated maps generated, I went ahead and updated both automatic Z traversal (ramps) and queried Z traversal (stairs):

I'm going to really need to change some of the tiles, for example, when you're up on the highway, it's barely visible that you're not still on ground level.  Either that, or greatly increase the darkening of terrain below you.

Anyway, time to clean up the interface a bit so it looks more like an actual game, then move on to implementing inventory, creates, etc.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Back from a long break

Such are the hazards of single-developer projects. 

In any event, I more or less have rivers where I want them, in terms of water falls, multi-level canyons and river valleys, etc:

Now I need to plug it in the main program and work on up/down movement, and we should be largely ready to move on to more of the world building/quest part of the game.